Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Migrant thoughts and Raising a bilingual child

It seems I have a lot of time on my hands to be pondering about thoughts on being a migrant and raising a bilingual child. But I don't have all the time, in fact I have a million things on my to do list. However I want to linger on this topic and just think.

Hubby and I wanted to temporarily leave our Sydney home and head back to Manila home for a couple of years. A number or reasons pushed us to move back. One of the major reason being to spend time with family and friends. Not so much for us, but for little B. Hubby and I grew up basking in the love from our grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, other family members, and friends. We wanted to have our little girl experience a happy childhood filled with memories of time spent with family and friends. That more than anything else pushed us to consider to move back for a while.

Now, we are not as convinced about the move (yes if only for family reasons - but we realised this is not a simple equation - so many considerations!). If only it was simple decision!

As much as I would like to write endlessly about moving back home to Manila - I am now in the mood to research about raising a bilingual child. Having one of those moments! I am delaying having to work from home now.....

Friday, November 2, 2012

A crafty weekend

I have been trying to utilise my creative skills lately by coming up with crafting ideas for my little girl to do during our time together. I guess it has not been the easiest time for me to come up with something, as I have been extremely busy with work. Having said that though, I have managed to come up with a few things! It is a good thing that Halloween is still in the air and that Christmas holidays are coming soon. I have made these two the theme for our creative sessions!

For tomorrow’s quality time with her we will make a poster. Making custom poster frames should not be that difficult if one is doing that in a controlled and adult environment. However with a small child who is three years old – it is a disaster waiting to happen! Oh well, it is all in the name of good bonding fun between mother and child, so we are going ahead with it! I am quite excited to make a poster, and I have made a mental note to try and see the activity from her eyes, with the zest of doing something for the first time! Certainly I will post photos from the activity before, during, and after the mess takes place! Check it out once it is online! Surely other parents looking for things to do will find this to be a good activity. It will not be a very professional looking creation, but nonetheless an artwork and masterpiece for the baby books!

Hubby has been quite supportive of this plan and has offered to help with the manly wood work stuff that needs to be done, as well as purchasing the paints, paintbrushes, glitter, and beads. I on the other hand will take care of buying the scrapbook making tools which we are using. I am even thinking whether my little girl and I should walk down our street and collect dried leaves to put on as border! I think this sounds like my creativity side is working and I'm on a roll!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This employee engagement weekend

I just found out yesterday that I won’t be alone in skipping the employee engagement activity! I am quite relieved to know that at least on the day following the event I wouldn’t be the only one not able to relate to the stories from the exciting and action packed weekend. Although I would have wanted to make it, I suppose there is next time. I have to attend to other things for now. Would have been nice though that they are celebrating it at Tasmania! I have never been there and so the idea of going to a brand new place would have been exciting! Oh well, next time!

Raising bilingual kids

I am pretty proud about our eldest being able to speak my mother tongue (Filipino). As young as one year old we taught her to speak Tagalo...